How Your SEO, Website, Lead Generation, and Sales Will Improve with Exercise
Experts say 45 minutes of exercise can make you healthier, and live longer. The same can be said for your website. Taking 45 minutes out of your day to focus on your website can pay huge dividends for your natural search ranking and your overall website health. From a marketers standpoint of a mid to large sized businesses, this is probably a must and you should be able to find time in your day to do this (or delegate). For a small business owner, it’s a different story. Finding 45 minutes just to relax is sometimes an impossible task. That’s why at the end of the article I’m going to lay out a daily plan of what you should be covering in those 45 minutes.
If you’re fortunate enough to have a marketing staff/person, this article can bring back their focus to the website and provide a framework carve out 45 minutes a day. The timeline below can be used for marketing personnel too. There are probably things I would suggest to a more advanced marketing professional, like updating h2 tags throughout the site for example. For this article though, I’m going to stick with broad concepts and easy to do activities for anyone who knows what a Content Management System is.
Update Text on Secondary Pages
Changing and adding more text will appease search engines. The more you do this, the more search engines are going to think your content is fresh and engaging. It’s also a good habit to do in case your business acumen and terminology are always changing. Also looking for ways to make your text more readable and flow easier will benefit your visitors. Look to do this once a month per secondary page, no need to update the page every week.
Social Media
In a perfect world if you update Facebook and Twitter twice a day you’re going to be golden. If you don’t have a lot of great content and not very creative just posting five times a week will help. The point is to stay consistent and try and be very engaging and educational. The key is not to reach too far on posting. Always remember though every time you post presents a chance to spread your message and brand to your audience. So even if you think your reaching for content that post is more than likely going to resonate with somebody (and that’s good).
Search Engines love this and you should too. Not only will it help your natural search ranking, but its also a chance to educate and showcase your knowledge to your market place. Blogs can also be items you share on your social platforms. 300 words are the minimum on blog posts and anytime you break 500 you’re really going to see spike impressions to your site. But for user experience and your precious time 300 will do. It will be hard to keep this under 45 minutes unless you’re an expert writer, but blogging is the backbone of your SEO strategy. Take the time to do it!
Doing SEO Work
SEO Yoast is a pretty valuable an also free tool to make handling SEO on your website more manageable. Checking keyword density is a powerful component and can be executed within the 45 minutes you have to work with. Adding keywords strategically in the text and to meta tags/title tags is an essential part of SEO. You also want to make sure your meta tags are all compelling and keyword driven. Keeping an eye on this regularly will give you an edge over the competition. If you spend 20 minutes a day on the basic on-site SEO practices, you’re going to see digital marketing impact increase dramatically.
SEO Research
Finding keywords that are going to drive in the correct traffic for your business is essential. Find keywords that match what you’re offering and make sure those keywords are not too competitive (Outsourcing SEO would be an option for competitive keywords). Below are some tools you can use for this.
Free Tools to Use for This
Google Webmasters
Moz (Free trail)
UpCity (Free trial)
Looking at Analytics
Knowledge is power in the digital marketing world. If you don’t feel creative that day, take time to look over Analytics on your site and see where you can improve. It’s crucial you know what is going on with your website. Use Google Analytics for this as it is free and gives you a ton of great information.
Taking just 45 minutes out of your day whether you’re a business owner or in charge of marketing can take your sales pipeline to another level. Just like you’ll stay in shape in you work hard in the gym, search engines will reward people who work hard on their SEO and online presence.
Website Exercise Regiment
Day 1
1-10 Social Media Post
10-25 Update text on 1 Secondary Page
25 to 35 Research a new blog idea
35 to 45 Research a new keyword to target for your SEO strategy
45 Done!
Day 2
1-45 Blog
Day 3
1-10 Social Media Post
10-45 Change Images on Website
Day 4
1-45 Create Text for one landing page with emphasis on SEO Keyword
Day 5
1-10 Social Media Post
10 to 20 Research New Blog Idea
20-45 Look at Analytics/Webmasters (Free tools from Google)