Ever heard the saying, “put yourself in someone else’s shoes?” This is the key to choosing the right audience for your campaign and copy for your ad that will give you and your client the best results. Our team at Maudience was able to achieve optimal results in three weeks of running a Facebook ad because we simply focused on putting ourselves in the shoes of the consumer.
The Challenge
As a team, we took on the challenge of increasing inquiries of the new 245 Kingston luxury apartments in Kingston Village, Cedar Rapids, Iowa. With the rise of modern and creative architecture, new amenities, and buildings popping up on every corner, sometimes as a new apartment complex it can be difficult to stand out. After creating a new and modern website for 245 Kingston that matched the chic sleekness of these stylish new pads, brings the question how do we drive traffic to the site?
The Solution
We decided to create a Facebook Ad to run over the course of three weeks with the goal of driving traffic to a set landing page of the 245 Kingston website to go along with the overall campaign goal of increasing 245 Kingston’s number of rent inquiries.
Through Facebook ads, we were able to target the desired audience of young adults between the ages of 25-34 currently living within a 20 mile radius of Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Unfortunately, Facebook doesn’t allow you to input targeting details if your campaign is in a special category which in this case, was housing. This is where our copy became the basis of targeting the psychographics that develop the needs and wants of our desired audience. This is also where we learned the importance of perspective when it comes to those needs and wants of the consumer. For many younger individuals, they follow the lease pattern of university housing where leases start August 1 and go till the end of July the following year. With summer here and leases wrapping up, we decided to play into this for the ad’s copy and focus on upgrading to a new space that fits the audience’s want for some luxury in life. Timing is everything when turning a want into a need. Obviously no one needs a luxury apartment, but they do need a place to live, so providing a need with a want allows the consumer to justify the luxury apartment because the target audience is in search of a new place already, so why not upgrade?
A new challenge presented itself in the copy. Trying to consolidate everything we needed to say in just two brief sentences that could divert the audience’s attention enough to glance at the ad and click on the link. We decided to go with something simple and easy to digest, “with current leases coming to an end, upgrade your space and check out the new 245 Kingston apartments, leasing now!” And in the perspective of the consumer, what’s the harm in checking the website out? Sold.
The Results
Now the fun part – the results. After creating two thank you pages that the consumer automatically gets sent to after submitting an inquiry to either get more general information about the apartments or schedule a tour, we created custom conversions in the events manager on Facebook Ads to track how many people directly came from the Facebook ad and wanted more information. In three weeks the landing page views went from 101 to 1,805 with the cost of just $0.19 per view and an increase from 1,623 to 85,728 impressions with a daily average of 5,814 and a CPM (cost per 1,000 impressions) at $4.04. 245 Kingston has also received 57 inquiries requesting more information on the apartments and 15 scheduling a tour with 3.2% and 0.6% conversion rates.
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