Google has made some changes to its Adwords platform over the past year – and not just in regards to functionality. Google rearranged its Search Engine Results Page (SERP) results, effectively necessitating (positive) change behind both SEO and PPC strategy.
The major areas that have been addressed are:
A reduced number of results for Ads
A larger emphasis on Local Results
An overall Cleaner Search Presence
After almost a year of working in this game, this is what I experienced managing the 28 PPC/18 SEO campaigns I oversee personally. The majority of the campaigns focus on Iowa-based companies utilizing broad keywords.
2014 2016

I Actually Enjoy my Competition.
Click Through Rates and Conversion are Way Up
I am now able to show the return on investment (ROI) literally within days of starting a campaign. In prior years, with all the search results and crazy bid strategies, it would take time to make a dent in search rankings. Now if I can get in the top 3 within a day, I usually see a 3-12% conversion rate right away. This is probably due to the users behavior being funneled to the top three search results, but a definite increase in conversion and ROI has occurred.
My CTRs are all up on campaigns as well. Either I’m getting better at ad copy or the clear more concise SERP’s are helping our users find the information they need faster.