I grew up in a small town called Lost Nation in rural Iowa. It was a town of 400 people where almost everyone knew each other. Like most Iowa-born kids I was raised in a humbling manner where you get what you earn, and you support local business. Although I haven’t had many travels in my life, I have been to Hawaii, Mexico, and Florida. When you’re a native Iowan traveling outside of the state, it is an odd experience. People don’t acknowledge one another passing by or even sitting right next to them unless it is an almost dire situation. This is due to many things beyond just being in a different state; it is more likely the fact that there are so many more people and relationships aren’t built quite the same. I never thought of how we market ourselves to each other until my Junior year of college as a Marketing major. I went to an island in Hawaii named Molokai, where they don’t take too kindly to non-locals.
Marketing yourself and your business in Iowa is an entirely different game than trying elsewhere. People in Iowa want trusting relationships where they can return again for the same service. In Iowa, you build lifelong customers, whereas elsewhere you would be looking to get the quick dollar. You can create life long customers by ditching the gimmicks and being honest. You tell someone around here the facts even if it might not look the best on your behalf and you might lose their business, but it’s more likely you earn their respect. We know that cheaper isn’t always better, and we know that everything isn’t given to you. “Say what you mean and mean what you say” is common expression where I’m from and I think that applies in our line of work at Maudience where we don’t look for the quick dollar. We are an Iowa marketing agency that understands how to reach people with the right message.