Think back to a time when you went to the second page Google, now think back to a time when you clicked on a link on the second page. According to Chitika, 95% of users don’t go to the second page of Google on their searches. That means if you aren’t on the first page you likely aren’t getting any new customers coming to your website. Isn’t getting those new customers vital to your business? It is, well then why isn’t your SEO?
Having the best website in the world won’t do you any good if nobody can find it. A very common, and unfortunate misconception that some business owners have is that their business comes up when people search for it online. Before you jump to that assumption do a Google search for your business. Things to search (auto shop example): 1. Your company’s name 2. auto shops near me 3. auto shops north liberty 4. car repair north liberty. Chances are if you don’t find yourself you found your competition.
You should be able to start seeing the importance by now. I work with various local companies SEO on a daily basis. Without a doubt, these businesses start seeing more traffic when they hit the first page of Google. Although getting to the first page of Google sounds simple, I assure you it’s not. We have a system in place that puts us in a good position to reach/exceed our client’s SEO goals.
There are two valuable SEO lessons I learned after working with Maudience for the last several months. 1. SEO takes time – you won’t get to the first page of Google within a month unless you have little to no competition. 2. Getting to the first page doesn’t mean you’re going to stay there – you have to constantly make updates and content edits to stay relevant. There are many Iowa SEO companies, but at Maudience we are straight with you and periodically send reports.