When was the last time you saw an ad so powerful you couldn’t take your eyes off it? Or couldn’t stop thinking about it? Chances are it wasn’t something you saw in a magazine or the newspaper. What captures people’s attention is a compelling story, which is difficult to achieve on print ads and the radio, in most cases. Where it can be achieved, if done correctly is through video.
Every year it amazes me the number of people watching the Super Bowl, not for football, but to watch the commercials. They do so because they can laugh and sometimes even cry (key the Budweiser commercial). Never in my life have I seen someone chuckle or shed a tear because of a print ad.
The best part about video advertising, in my opinion, is that you can set the mood. Usually opening with music or someone talking designed to capture attention. What separates poorly made videos from the better ones is once they have your attention whether they capitalize on it or not and deliver their message. When you can relay a story to your potential customers and explain to them why they should buy your product you just won half the battle.
Everyone advertises one way or another, but very few small businesses will take the time to develop a commercial or a video to showcase on their website. Developing a video takes an incredible amount of focus and working on small things that most viewers won’t even notice. The worst is when you see a video that didn’t take the time to make those edits and provides nothing of value to the business.
Posted below is one of my favorite videos that Maudience has produced. If you’re interested in producing a video for your business contact us to get a quote.
You can see more of Maudience’s Iowa Video Production by clicking here