In 1914, a little umbrella-carrying girl on a round box of table salt appeared and it never went away. For more than 100 years, the Morton’s salt color, shape, logo, and brand statement hasn’t changed. But their website has. It’s fresh, clean…updated and it works very well.
The Kikkoman soy sauce bottle design first came on the market when West Side Story was new…in 1961 and it has never changed. Dr. Martin Luther King was assassinated in the same year that potato chips appeared in a can…they still don’t put them in bags. I don’t even have to tell you who the company is for you to recognize them because they haven’t changed a bit (although more flavors have been introduced).
When Jackie Robinson integrated major league baseball, we learned that, “A diamond is forever…” courtesy of the DeBeers company. The most famous three words in the entire sneaker wearing industry first were spoken in 1988 and we’re still just doing it. Jurassic Park wowed us at the box office in the same year we got a two-word slogan that still works today…”Got Milk?”
The point is, you don’t have to constantly re-invent your image to stay relevant. After all, why would a company like Morton’s Salt be concerned about their on-line presence? The little girl on the round blue container saying, “When it rains, it pours” has been a steady branding statement since before you were born. Why would they need to have a good website? Everybody knows them.
Because they realize that protecting such a long standing tradition and brand is important to their future. They have learned a very important lesson in the world of marketing: If you go away, you go away.
In fact, one of the biggest and best changes you can make is to your online presence. Your website is the first best impression you will have with a new customer. In fact, more than 95% of new customers will review your website prior to making contact with you. A visitor to your website stays an average of 5-minutes – at the most – looking around.
If you average a relative small number of 200 unique visitors to your website on a daily basis…how many are you converting to actual customers? I mean converting by having them fill out a form, submit a request, sign up for a newsletter, friend you on Facebook…contact you in some digital way.
People are Googling right now. Are you there?
Contact Maudience, your local Iowa advertising agency for more information on how you improve your search engine rankings.