If you work in marketing your eye is more keen to noticing the faults as well as the creative pieces in every advertisement and website you come across. An example of this would be Super Bowl commercials. I remember my favorite one from the game this year, which you may or may not remember. Click play on the video below to refresh your memory.
This commercial made me laugh, which none of the others seemed to do. At work the next day I was asked what my favorite commercial was and responded “the polar bear one”. My coworker agreed and also asked if I remembered what brand it was promoting. For the life of me I couldn’t remember, and I still can’t, even though I just watched it through 2 minutes ago. Their message wasn’t relayed in an efficient manner to keep it in my mind even for a few minutes.
Clearly illustrating your message is becoming one of the common problems in today’s marketing. The root of this problem goes back to each company’s executive that has final approval on their marketing. To them and the rest of the company their ad, commercial, or website looks great, but what about the consumer? The consumer is the first person you should be thinking of, but often they aren’t even considered. Customers are the most valuable things to most companies and marketing well enough to be top-of-mind when someone needs the service you provide is priceless.
My last example… I swear. I was searching on my phone for a hotel room in an unfamiliar area out of state. I browsed through several sites finding similar rates on all of them, so I was ready to book. I went to a site that wasn’t optimized for my phone (I had to zoom in to see the text). I immediately left the site and booked elsewhere. If they aren’t thinking of their potential customers online, then I doubt they would be thinking of my best interests if I decided to stay at their hotel. Think about that on your next marketing effort. Maudience, Iowa website design specialists.