I recently moved to North Liberty, IA to work for Maudience, an Iowa web design agency. For businesses in the area, this means I am a new potential customer who could use their service. I searched online for an apartment on my phone, tablet, and computer. Keep this in mind. I found an apartment after two weeks of searching and moved in with limited knowledge on what I would need.
After getting all of the utilities in my name, the next step was finding cable. I searched the bigger named companies and local ones for cable but found it somewhat difficult to find the information I was looking for. I found two businesses that could provide the TV service I wanted. The first site was mobile friendly but lacked all the information I needed to make a purchasing decision. So on to the next one, their website had all the information I needed but repeatedly required me to pinch and zoom to find information that was difficult to read. I decided to give up for the day and try again tomorrow.
Turning on my Xbox I saw an ad for a TV service that I could stream online. I was naturally skeptical, so I quickly grabbed my tablet and searched for their website. Information provided and a device responsive site, before I knew it I was putting in my credit card information. The relief alone from knowing what I was going to get from their service and being able to read it had me hooked.
A local and national company lost my business, which could have resulted in a life-long customer, because of their websites. Having a device responsive website that relays your business’s service isn’t just a nice feature to have, it is a necessity. The excuses are no longer valid for not making the upgrades to your site. You are potentially losing customers every day you wait. Calling an Iowa web design agency like Maudience can ensure you don’t lose any more.
These links can tell you if your website is mobile friendly: